For this episode of Brite Ideas, we welcomed Martine Torfs, the Head of the Alumni Office at KU Leuven.

Brite Ideas Podcast: International Chapters and Their Governance

Listen Now

Listen in as Martine and host Sandra Rincon discuss:

  • Criteria for deciding if and when to create a chapter
  • Why is it essential to establish international alumni chapters
  • How to identify and empower chapter leaders
  • How to foster collaboration and knowledge sharing among different chapters
  • And more

Three Brite Ideas on International Alumni Networks

In every episode, we ask our guest to share three brite ideas, to sum up the conversion. 

Here are Martine’s brite ideas on international alumni networks.

1. Internal Buy-in Is Essential

When setting up chapters, you need to know what the university wants to achieve with them. You must include university stakeholders in conversation from the beginning to ensure that your chapters bring tangible results in identifying alumni, fostering meaningful collaborations, fundraising, and more.

2. Internalize Your Alumni Management Platform

Your alumni management platform is your central hub for alumni communication. Anyone creating any content for alumni needs to develop the reflex to use it.

3. Manage Expectations

Your alumni engagement platform won’t magically bring alumni to you. This takes a lot of time, effort, and content planning. Manage the expectations of your team and your own.

Listen to the podcast to discover more about these brite ideas and other topics discussed!

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Written by Hivebrite
How to Create a Content Strategy for Your Community

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